Tips for Creating Video Marketing Content on a Budget

Video content is a great opportunity to create another touchpoint, showcase brand identity and allow your audience to see your product/service live in action. But creating a video requires a lot more work, money and dedication in comparison to taking still photos. Here are a few tips for creating video marketing content on a budget:

Create a Video Strategy

Before you get on set, brainstorm and get clarity on what you want to accomplish with your video content. Just like a marketing strategy, you have to plan and map out your video strategy. Is this going to be a branding video, a how-to video, an expert video, a promotional video or a demo video? 

Like SEO, your keywords for advertisements on video platforms, like YouTube, can help determine your visibility once you publish.

Creating and writing a script and a shot list (a write up of desired footage) will help save time and money, too. This is a crucial step to ensure that you end up with the content you envisioned before sending everyone home after wrapping up at the end of the shoot.

Gear Up

If you are going to do your own videography, equipment is necessary but it doesn’t have to be expensive. A digital camera for filming (of course!). A microphone to ensure clear, concise audio from the subject. A tripod for steady craftsmanship. And a lighting kit for an accurate, true to color experience. All of this equipment can be found on Amazon for under $1000. Last but not least, you’re going to need a video editor, whether it’s an actual person, an app or a software program. Depending on your editing skills and dedication to videography, a free program such as iMovie is fine. Just be sure to keep it simple, clean and timeless.

Your phone is also a great tool for recording video. There are tripods available for phones, also perfect for doing hands-free live streaming and stories. Phone footage can also be easier to edit on an app.

Keep it short and simple

For social media content, videos do not have to be long. In fact, most people expect them to be about two minutes long at the most unless it’s a really in depth topic that requires detailed explanation and/or visuals. In that case, a webinar or live stream would likely be the better option for distribution. 

When factoring in a shorter time span, this is an opportunity to get to the point in capturing your audience’s attention, in addition to getting as much versatile footage out of your rental’s allotted time. This could mean a series of short videos, taking photographs, behind the scenes footage or building the foundation for a GIF.

Reuse and Maximize Your Content

Your strategy isn’t over because your video’s been uploaded across all social media platforms. While there may be a financial budget, there is never a cap on creativity. Remix and repurpose the footage you already have to create pictures, GIFs, catchy sound bites with new and entertaining content. The possibilities are endless.

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