FAQs in the Digital Marketing Industry

If you’re new to the digital marketing industry or looking to brush up on your knowledge, this is the article for you. We’ve put together a list of common questions in the digital marketing industry and our answers to them.

1. What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is any kind of marketing that is geared towards smartphones, laptops, tablets and basically any other device that is capable of connecting to Wi-Fi. Traditional marketing will focus on radio, TV, print and film, whereas when it comes to digital marketing we want to be thinking about apps, websites, blogs, social media, email and online content.

2. How often should I update my website?

A website that sits stagnant for long periods of time, without any new or fresh content, is nothing more than an online brochure for your company. A successful website will interact with consumers and provide new and up to date information and content.

Also, in terms of SEO, Google much prefers a website that is consistently updated. There’s no specific time limit on updating your website, just make sure it stays relevant. 

3. What are the benefits?

There are so many benefits to digital marketing. The underlying goal of digital marketing is to bring more qualified users to your website. Through a mix of digital marketing tactics, you are able to guide users through their online journey, resulting in more conversions for your business.

The beauty of digital marketing is that all of the tactics work together in harmony. An effective digital marketing strategy will also reinforce your traditional marketing, providing your target audience with cohesive messaging. There are also a number of benefits to digital marketing over traditional marketing.

Digital marketing is flexible. With digital, you have the ability to make changes over the course of a campaign, unlike traditional where you’re locked into long campaigns that are set in stone.

Digital campaigns are also much easier to track because you can set up tracking pixels, create robust event tracking across your website and develop trackable links using utm parameters, which all tie your success directly back to specific campaigns. These pixels allow for remarketing campaigns which target users who have previously visited your website based on the actions they took.

4. Does my company need a blog for social media marketing?

A blog is one of those non-negotiables. Apart from all of the benefits it provides on its own, such as increasing your credibility as an industry expert and providing fresh, keyword-rich content on a regular basis to please the search engines, a blog is a vital component of social media marketing.

One of the most effective types of content to post on social media is a link to a blog post. Without fresh blog posts being shared on a regular basis, you won’t have nearly as much to talk about with your fans, and you won’t be driving as much traffic to your site, either.

5. How should we be using LinkedIn for marketing?

LinkedIn has over 467 million users. It is a great place to share your credentials with the world, but more importantly, it’s the perfect place to interact with your audience online.

Using LinkedIn Groups, you can answer questions and contribute to discussions in order to demonstrate your industry thought leadership as well as your willingness to help others generously.

6. How much time should social media marketing take each week?

Timing is everything in social media marketing. The good news is, by using social media you have the opportunity to reach your specific audience in real-time.

But even though there are many tools you can use to schedule and automate posts to save some time, you’ll also want to keep track of the activity on your social media accounts throughout the day, so that you can provide timely responses to audience questions and comments. Between strategizing, creating and posting content and images, responding to your audience, and checking analytics, social media done right can be a full-time job.

7. How should I grow my subscriber list?

The best way to grow an email subscriber list is to offer your audience an incentive in exchange for signing up to receive your emails. You can put this offer on your site, on your social media pages, on landing pages you create to get people excited – just get the word out, and your leads will automatically qualify themselves by opting in.

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