3 Ways to Completely Revamp Your Content Marketing

Content Marketing is essential for your overall marketing growth strategy. But since content is constantly evolving and changing depending on several factors, sometimes it can be difficult to keep up with trends and stay ahead of the curve.

So how can you keep your content vibrant, relevant and engaging? Let’s take a look at three ways you can completely revamp your content marketing. 

1. Re-Evaluate Your Goals
    • The first step in revamping your content is to re-evaluate your goals. What is your goal in changing up your content? Is it to gain more followers? Convert more sales?
    • Every content marketing strategy needs to start with an understanding of what you’re setting out to achieve. If you don’t have a clear and concise goal in mind, you’ll end up wasting time, energy and precious resources. And that’s why goals are so important.
    • Not only do they provide direction, but they also help you to measure your success. Start by identifying your past content marketing goals. Think about whether or not those goals are relevant or if you want to switch directions.
    • For example, last year you might have focused on promoting content on Facebook and Instagram to increase followers and build brand awareness. But maybe that goal is not serving your company or product anymore. Perhaps your new goal would be to increase your presence on Pinterest and build a core content following on that platform instead.
    • Once you’ve listed your clear, concise, and achievable goals for your content marketing strategy, you need to define your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure how these goals are coming along. If you’re not hitting your KPIs, it might be advisable to adjust your goals or KPIs and keep going until you find something that works. 
2. Conduct a Content Audit 
    • After you have your goals and KPIs clearly lined out, the next step is to perform an audit of the content you have created so far. Look through your Google Analytics page to identify your top-performing posts and see what they all have in common. Don’t be afraid to honestly critique your work and reflect on what worked, and what did not work.
    • Sit down and analyze the results of your content so far and figure out what resonated with your audience. Did the content that performed best align with your previous goals? Does it align with your current goals?
    • Is that content still relevant in today’s marketing landscape? Are those topics aligned with your overall message and new goal? 
    • Retire any outdated, obsolete or underperforming content. It can be tempting to keep old content, but in the end it’s better to have the mindset of “out with the old and in with the new.” Because old content and broken links clutter up internal and external search engine results, and can give a site visitor a bad impression of your brand.
    • But if you’re struggling with tossing out a favorite project, try reimagining it in a different formal or style to see if you can repurpose it to something more relevant. Or you could look at Google Analytics for that particular piece of content and investigate whether or not it was published in the correct channel, to the appropriate audience or at the ideal time. Sometimes good content published at the wrong time or place gets overlooked and it may be helpful to give it another shot.
    • Overall, an honest content audit will help you identify the topics, content types, and distribution channels that worked well for you last year. This will help you realize which of your strategies are still relevant and which upcoming trends you should experiment with.
3. Experiment with Unique and New Trends
    • Now that you have your new goals set in place, you have audited your past content to reflect those goals, the next step in revamping your content marketing strategy is to experiment with unique and new trends. It can be tempting to do the same thing over and over again because it’s more comfortable. But comfortable isn’t thinking outside the box.
    • Your audience is drawn to you because you are unique and offer a different value from your competitors. So give them what they want.  You can’t create content that appeals to everyone.
    • So instead focus on your specific audience to cater to their needs and provide them with value through your content. Look at your Google Analytics account to determine your audience demographics.
    • What does your audience want to see more of? What post did they share the most? What video kept them lingering on your page? Analyzing key trends will help you make the most of your content. 
    • To offer unique value to your audience, first start by incorporating more visuals into your content. Visuals like charts, gifts, videos, infographics, and pictures not only capture the attention of your audience, but it also gives them something of value that they can file away for later or share with others. Currently, video production is trending for content marketing.
    • Have you considered adding short, effective videos to your content strategy? You can easily design this content yourself with programs like Canva or enlist the help of professionals in this field. Visual appeal can certainly help revamp your content marketing strategies by making your content more interactive and captivating.
    • Another way to experiment with unique trends would be to go live or incorporate virtual reality into your website. In these unprecedented times, your audience may not be able to visit your physical space, but by inviting them into it through interactive live content, you can feel more accessible. Start to embrace these new media trends, and see if you can be the first in your marketplace to use them effectively.

It can be overwhelming to start over or revamp your content marketing strategy. But in the end, it is necessary for growth and development. By re-evaluating your goals for the year, and auditing your content, you can be free to experiment with new, creative ideas and ways to make your content captivating, relevant, and valuable.

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