How Content Marketing Drives Sales

Long gone are the days when a business had to rely solely on a traditional advertisement model or public relations model to promote their message. Digital marketing has provided all of us with a highly valuable method of communicating about our businesses and brands, through content marketing. Content marketing allows you to promote your products and services when, how and how often you want. At scale. Here is how you can use content marketing to support sales growth:


Creating a Platform


Over the past several years, we’ve all witnessed the increased difficulty with cutting through the noise and creating touchpoints that actually impact the end-user and nurture them to close. One content marketing strategy that has proven to be successful in moving the customer through the buyer’s journey is a value-packed company blog. Focusing on value as a guiding principle creates trust and encourages repeat users.  Also, bearing in mind these considerations will help curate content that can be repurposed throughout your social media and email marketing. 


In between your current campaigns, you should have your evergreen content ready to go. This is backup content that you can refer to and use anytime, because it’s timeless for your company. This could be a general promotion of the business, highlighting past work, providing updates on the business, or providing information or tutorials on your products and services. Having a strategic content calendar ready can also make your workflow and schedule easier to manage.


Engaging Followers

After promoting content on your social media channels, be sure to keep an eye on what your followers are saying. Though that may be intimidating, knowing what their thoughts are is key to your business’s success. What do they react to, positively or negatively? What’s on their mind? In today’s modern age, customer reviews are frequently shared directly on an individual’s social media page; this is an opportunity to publicly address any issues and leave a lasting impression. Also, responding to questions, addressing concerns, and getting to know your followers can lead to beautiful discoveries and a deeper connection with your audience. Which ultimately supports sales. 


Creating Cross-Traffic

When creating your content, get the most out of your work by cross promoting your website on your social media through call to actions. Vice versa, promote your social media on your website, blogs, and emails. If you’re promoting a product or a service during a campaign, be sure to end your post by encouraging your followers to visit your website to make their purchase, schedule a call or learn more, potentially leading to more traffic. And more opportunities to close a sale. 


Proper backend optimization of your website can help determine how many leads you can convert as well. If your blogs are search engine optimization friendly, they will be easier for potential customers to find. If you add links in your blogs, this will make your content more SEO friendly and showcase more of your work and credibility. If your content is well thought out and answers common questions and concerns that your audience has, you can use that leverage and visibility to convert more potential leads into sales.

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