5 Signs it’s Time to Refresh Your Website

There are many reasons why you might need to rebrand your website depending on your goals. A few reasons include, but are not limited to; increasing your traffic, creating a more user friendly page, or generating more leads. Your goals will set your path on rebranding your website and what path you should take when doing so. In this blog we will discuss 5 signs that it’s time for you to rebrand.

Your brand no longer reflects your vision 

You will know when it’s likely time to rebrand your website when it no longer reflects your vision and appearance. It is natural to outgrow your brand appearance overtime and it will eventually happen at one point or another. Being on top of your brand management will help you to be able to make these transitions smoothly. 

You’re not standing out from the competition

It is important to stand out from the crowd and if your brand is beginning to look like every other brand then it’s probably time to do some rebranding. What is the reason customers should use you over your competitors, this is a question that you should be asking yourself when trying to improve your online presence. Without having a strong brand image it can be difficult to grow your business. By rebranding you can identify what makes you stand out and what gives your company a competitive advantage and then work off of that.

Your branding and web design is outdated

This may seem like an obvious reason to update your web design but it is one of the most important. Your branding from 5 years ago may have been perfect at the time it was created but all branding has a shelf life. Outdated web design can turn clients away with one look. 75% of people base the credibility of a company off their website presence which is why it is so important to have a strong up to date website. Rebranding a website may seem like a lot of work but in the end it pays off in more ways. 

You have a new target audience

Over time it is common for your target audience to evolve and change and with that your web design needs to also. Whether you’re expanding to a new group of customers or going after a new audience it is crucial your new look fits the tone of your new audience. So you should think: does my website fit the tone of my new audience and if not then it’s most likely time to rebrand?

You have recently restructured or merged 

New management or ownership often means a new look. In these cases it is important to keep the skeleton of your old brand and not strip it completely. This is so that old and new customers still associate the old brand image with the new brand image and not a new brand entirely. 

Making the decision to rebrand your website can be difficult however once you have decided to do so there are a few factors that you should keep in mind. Find a web designer who is able to portray your brand image in a way that you are looking for. Finding an agency that has expertise in both strategy and execution is ideal for preparing a rebrand. If you are looking to update your website or create a new one all together reach out to us.

Need help with a website refresh/rebrand? We can help!

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