4 Tips for a Successful Email Drip Campaign

Drip email campaigns are a series of automated emails sent to subscribers after they perform specific actions, such as subscribing to your newsletter, signing up for a service, or making a purchase. They can also be personalized to a subscriber by their name and other personal information

After being set up, they allow you to work smarter, not harder, continuing to connect with your subscribers. Here are four tips on how to create a successful email drip campaign:

Set Your Goals

What do you want to achieve? Is it more email subscribers? Converting more leads? More general brand awareness or promotion on your products and services? More registrations for events? More purchases from potential buyers? Less unsubscriptions? 

There are multiple kinds of email drip campaigns including: Welcome emails, nurture leads, customer onboarding, email courses, cart abandonment, recommendations, renewals, engagement, confirmations, and unsubscriptions. Figuring out what you want out of your campaign will help narrow down how to approach your strategy to meet your goals.

Categorize Your Subscribers

Just like the relationship between a farmer and their crops, you need to give your subscribers exactly what they need, little by little, to flourish. Identify your different kinds of subscribers, segment them into different audiences, and create personalized email campaigns according to their interests. That way, you keep your subscribers updated with just enough information, instead of listing “too many emails” as a reason why they unsubscribed.

Say More with Less

Emails are meant to be short and sweet, meaning that you need to create a strong, concise yet short message. Put on your thinking cap and utilize your creativity and copywriting skills. Use humor if it’s appropriate to your brand. Leverage holidays, celebrations, and even current events to think outside of the box. Have a clear goal, with a call to action, and throw in some on-brand design to make your emails stand out. 

Learn from Mistakes

When the unsubscribe button is clicked, take that opportunity to send one last final message and ask why the user is breaking up with your drip. 

Was it because there were too many emails sent? Were the received emails not relevant to their interests? Did they find the emails boring or unstimulating? There is a very good chance that things aren’t completely over. Subscribers could just prefer to keep in touch with you on other social media platforms. 

Be sure to check out your analytics as well- the numbers don’t lie. These metrics include: Open rates, click-through rates, unsubscribe rates, complaint rates, conversion rates, bounce rates, forward/share rates, campaign ROIs, and list growth rate.

After reviewing these metrics, take the time to reflect and renew your email campaign, bearing in mind every criticism with consideration.

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