4 Signs It’s Time to Update Your Social Media Strategy

Social media changes so quickly that by the time we the get a hang of a new update, developers are hitting us with another one. As users become accustomed to trying out new platforms, so should your business in order to maintain awareness.

Here are 4 signs you should take a deeper look at your social media tactics.

1. You follow accounts to get follow backs

Following real accounts and engaging with your audience is a great digital marketing strategy to build awareness on social media. Liking your audience’s posts to show them that you’re out there often results in getting a follow back if your brand is attractive to them. But beware of going on a follow spree.

The ratio of users you follow to your followers should either match or be higher. A good start would be to have about two followers for every one person you follow. Otherwise, who’s really seeing your content? Which leads to the next sign your social media work can use a revamp.

2. The same people engage with your posts

Having a low follower to following ratio makes it easy to tell who keeps up with your posts. Familiar users in your notification center can be a satisfying feeling because that means you have consumer loyalty. However, growth is equally as important as loyalty.

One of the main ways to measure success in digital marketing is through data analytics. Numbers don’t lie. Make sure that your company finds creative and innovative ways to expand its reach. Maybe start using a social media influencer to expand your target audience.

3. Posts get views but never any shares

Facebook gives good insights when it comes to data analytics. Seeing your page views and reach increase shows success in your digital marketing strategy. However, once people come to your page, you want them to stay and engage with your brand

After spending time bringing people to your page, make sure they stay by creating call-to-actions like tagging their friends in the comments section. Creating shareable content will expand your audience size and help alleviate problem no. 2 we discussed earlier.

4. More time is spent retweeting than tweeting original content

Consistency in tweeting is essential to a successful digital marketing strategy. If your communications team is tweeting at least 10 times a day, you know that audiences are seeing your brand and will begin to recognize it. But what exactly are you sharing?

If your company is retweeting other industry leaders rather than original content, that could be a reason why your numbers are not increasing. At least a quarter of the content your company shares should encourage your followers to go to your company website and/or other company social media sites.

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