4 Common Mistakes Companies Make When Bringing On a Digital Agency

While the idea of outsourcing some, or all of your digital marketing needs to an agency can seem like a dream for a busy organization, handing over your digital content over to an external team can be a difficult transition to make. How do you know you picked the right agency? Well, we can start with what could go wrong during the selection process. Here are five common mistakes companies make when bringing on a digital agency:


Staying Local

While supporting local businesses is a great altruistic effort, keeping your search strictly in your community may not be in your best interests when it comes to your business. Nearby agencies may not have the best experience and skill sets to support your company’s goals. They may not cater to your niche. Digital marketing can be accomplished anywhere. If anything, COVID has definitely proven that a good job can still be delivered through remote meetings and online communication.


Staying Below Budget 

Money is definitely an object, but the agency that you choose is an investment for your company. The old adage certainly holds true: you get what you pay for. Entering into a partnership with an agency charging well-below market rate can prove to be costly in the long run. Digital marketing involves in-depth research and specialized attention while executing a strategy correctly. There are no short-cute, or fast solutions when it comes to marketing. Remember, you get what you pay for.

Falling for Potential

Agencies that you interview may sweep you off your feet- from the office building to clients to the presentation. However, the devil is in the details. Getting past the smoke and mirrors, is this agency transparent about their process? Do they thoroughly answer your questions? Do they have a clear and concise plan on how they are going to achieve your goals? While they can’t, and shouldn’t, give away all the details of what they plan to do, their pitch presentation should cover some high-level ideas that speak directly to your company’s pain points. 

Choosing the Best

It’s natural to want the best of the best or at least what we think is the best of the best. But it’s important to not fall victim to “shiny object” syndrome. An agency rated best in class still needs to be properly vetted to ensure that they are the best for you.


They may not have a marketing method that works for you. They may have a lot of smoke and mirrors with the help of their sales team. They may not be a cultural fit. They may not specialize or have a genuine interest in your type of business. They may not even give your business the attention that it needs.


Your best bet is to ask potential agencies questions around process, communication, culture and experience. A word or two with their past or current clients doesn’t hurt either.

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