10 Ways to Combat Creative Burnout

Are you feeling the burn? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Creative burnout is a common hazard for many creative professionals. It can happen to anyone, even the most successful designers, entrepreneurs, and creative directors.

But, that’s not to say it’s inevitable. In fact, here are ten things you can do—right now—to combat creative burnout and keep your creative flame burning bright. Keep reading to find out.

1. Take a Break

It’s okay to take a break. We all need to take a short break to freshen up and recharge our batteries. Sometimes that could mean taking just a few minutes to meditate before a big meeting, or taking a short walk during your lunch hour. However long you have, maximize your time by going offline- no scrolling through social media apps, or answering emails.

Give your brain a rest, your body a treat, and your mind a full breath. In these moments, let your mind wander freely. While these short breaks are important for getting through the day, it’s also important to schedule time for relaxation and rejuvenation for longer periods of time.

Take a mental health day occasionally. Or plan a relaxing vacation. Remember, there’s power in rest and recovery. You can be a better you once you refill your cup. 

2. Change

Sometimes all we need is a little change to reinvigorate creativity. Try changing up your morning routine. Change your scenery- add some interesting art to your office walls.

Consider working from a different location, like a coffee shop or library. Doing the same thing everyday can feel mundane and monotonous, but adding some little changes can help you feel more excited.

3. Experiment

Have you ever worked on one project for so long that everything started to look the same? Work on something else. Experiment with a new medium. Who knows? Maybe the new medium is just what the project needs to work. You never know unless you experiment and find out.

Sometimes this can feel a little scary to go against the status quo. But get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Force yourself to get out of your comfort zone. Branching out from the norm can spark creativity, and launch new ideas and concepts. 

4. Seek Inspiration 

Who or what inspires you? When you’re down in the dumps of creative burnout, it can feel difficult to find inspiration. Before you reach that point, develop a list of resources that inspire you.

Write down the names of leaders in your industry whom you look up to. Doodle a picture of things that make you happy and motivated. Always seek inspiration and notice it. 

5. Move.

Get up and move! Sometimes the body needs to physically move to get the creative juices flowing. Incorporate movement into your day.

This can mean something as simple as using a standing desk or taking a call while on a walk. Whatever movement you choose, you can take care of yourself physically and mentally by moving.

6. Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries can feel uncomfortable if you’re not used to it. But it is essential to do if you want to combat creative burnout. This could mean that you choose not to accept more clients until your current projects are finished. Or setting time limits at the start of the project to give yourself a more manageable time table.

As much as you’d like to continue working non-stop, it is simply not viable. Eventually you will crash from the workload because you’re not a robot, you’re a human. By setting boundaries, you can ensure you can realistically continue working without breaking down. 

7. Reflect.

Maybe your creative burnout is clouded by your purpose and reasoning for working. Perhaps after all this time, you’ve lost sight of why you’re doing what you’re doing. Reflect on your professional goals and purpose.

Remember what made you get into the work in the first place. Sometimes reflecting on the reward or purpose of your work can empower you to keep going.

8. Be Creative

It’s ironic that one of the tips to combat creative burnout is to be creative, but let us explain: take up a pastime that isn’t work related. Find a creative project that’s completely different from what you do professionally. You need a creative outlet that doesn’t involve clients or deadlines.

Let your mind wander. Let your creative juices flow. Do an art project that involves no creativity, just following directions and using new materials. This can kickstart the creative process and translate back into your own work. 

9. Reach Out.

Don’t go it alone. Be vulnerable and connect with others about your work, frustrations, and struggles. Ask for advice from another creative person.

See if you need help managing your time or schedule better. Find a mentor. 

10. Be Kind

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Celebrate it for what it is instead of judging it for what you think it should be. Recognize that your hard work is not going to waste.

Never make yourself feel bad for not having ideas, because sometimes those dry spells can be great things. They’re times of reflection and prep work for the creative times ahead! Even the most creative person can have a bad day, but here are some tips to break through it or at least come out of it with a cool idea!

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